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Severe Skin Permeability Barrier Dysfunction in Knockout Mice Deficient in a Fatty Acid omega-Hydroxylase Crucial to Acylceramide Production

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Title: Severe Skin Permeability Barrier Dysfunction in Knockout Mice Deficient in a Fatty Acid omega-Hydroxylase Crucial to Acylceramide Production
Authors: Miyamoto, Masatoshi Browse this author
Itoh, Narumi Browse this author
Sawai, Megumi Browse this author
Sassa, Takayuki Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Kihara, Akio Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Issue Date: Feb-2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal Title: Journal of investigative dermatology
Volume: 140
Issue: 2
Start Page: 319
End Page: 326
Publisher DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2019.07.689
Abstract: The skin permeability barrier is indispensable for maintaining water inside the body and preventing the invasion of pathogens and allergens; abnormalities lead to skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis and ichthyosis. Acylceramide is an essential lipid for skin barrier formation, and CYP4F22 is a fatty acid omega-hydroxylase involved in its synthesis. Mutations in CYP4F22 cause autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, although the symptoms vary among mutation sites and types. Here, we generated knockout mice deficient in Cyp4f39, the mouse ortholog of human CYP4F22, to investigate the effects of completely abrogating the function of the fatty acid omega-hydroxylase involved in acylceramide production on skin barrier formation. Cyp4f39 knockout mice died within 8 hours of birth. Large increases in transepidermal water loss and penetration of a dye from outside the body were observed, indicating severe skin barrier dysfunction. Histologic analyses of the epidermis revealed impairment of lipid lamella formation, accumulation of corneodesmosomes in the stratum corneum, and persistence of periderm. In addition, lipid analyses by mass spectrometry showed almost complete loss of acylceramide and its precursor omega-hydroxy ceramide. In conclusion, our findings provide clues to the molecular mechanisms of skin barrier abnormalities and the pathogenesis of ichthyosis caused by Cyp4f39 and CYP4F22 by association.
Rights: ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
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Type: article (author version)
Appears in Collections:薬学研究院 (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 木原 章雄

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