北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第5号


変化を表す「する」 : 学術論文コーパスにおける現れ方

池上, 素子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45619
KEYWORDS : 変化;「する」;学術論文コーパス;回定化


This article examines the use of SURU expressing change in Japanese through an analysis of a corpus of theses. In this article, I attempt to analyze the words preceding SURU. In the analysis, the following results were found: 1) The total number of SURU is fewer than the total number of NARU. But There is no great difference between the two in theses on engineering. 2) On the whole, the words preceding SURU are more restricted than the words preceding NARU. 3) NA-adjectives and nouns which appear frequently preceding SURU seems to be used like set expressions. 4) From 2), 3), and from the fact that NA-adjectives and nouns appear preceding SURU much more frequently than I-adjectives and verbs, it is possible to think that SURU-sentences with NA-adjectives and nouns are used as set expressions rather than as expressions of change. However, this is not the case in the area of engineering. In these points, it is suggested that it is useful to teach not only SURU which expresses typical change but also SURU which is used like a set expression in Japanese Language classes.