国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies;No.16


社会的企業による雇用創造に関する研究 : 韓国の社会的企業育成政策を事例に

加藤, 知愛

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/52633


Korea has been promoting the social enterprise through the enactment of the Social Enterprise Development Act of 2007. The Korean social enterprise development policy has integrated the measures for urban unemployment relief/job creation and rural development. Those measures emerged separately but had the common aims of growing out of poverty and establishing a sustainable living standard. They were both socialreform oriented in essence, seeking the resolution of existing political and economic problems. The formation and implementation of the social enterprise development policy has brought about an organic network of national and local public institutions and private organizations. Its major challenge is how to secure profi ts and maintain autonomy simultaneously. An increasing number of Japanese local governments are paying attention to the functions of the social enterprise. Focusing on the Korean experience, this study attempts to identify some factors that can help Japan adopt the social enterprise system successfully.