北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第120号


演劇教育における高校生の創造的対話空間の形成 : 『 K版 星の王子さま』上演過程における教師の支援のアクションリサーチ

加藤, 裕明

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56434
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.120.231
KEYWORDS : 演劇教育;話し合い;創造性;教師の支援;アクションリサーチ;drama production;interaction;action research;teacher’s support


本論文は2013 年4 月に上演された札幌K高等学校演劇部『K版 星の王子さま』(サン=テグジュペリ原作)の生成過程を分析対象とし教師の支援を反省的に検討したものである。検討の結果,創造的活動を行うための生徒と生徒,教師相互の対話空間の形成に関する教師の支援に関し,以下の三点を仮説的な理論として提示した。第一に,教師は,生徒個々人の言葉に耳を傾け思いを受け止めると同時に,上演を見据えた総合的な見地から判断することの必要性を強調し生徒に向き合うことが必要である。第二に,教師は生徒に話し合いを行わせ,原作の主題を自分たちの感覚に合ったものに変換するように支援することが必要である。第三に,教師は生徒相互,あるいは生徒と教師の対話の場面を注意深く観察し,フォーマル,インフォーマルな形に限らず柔軟な形でそれが形成されるように支援することが必要である。
The Purpose of this paper is to examine the process of the teacher-assisted theatre performance of the K-version of Le Petit Prince presented by Sapporo K-high school drama club students. This production was performed on April 2013 in the auditorium of the K-high school and the city hall of Sapporo K Ward. In this paper I’d like to make an analysis of teacher’s support for creating an interaction among students in the process of producing drama by using a method of Action Research. Action research is one of the means of Qualitative Research which is composed of planning, practice, observation and reflection. I analyzed an interaction among students by using ten kinds of text data. The main data consist of following three records. First, the record of my own practice about teaching students; Second, the journal of activities recorded by students; Third, the descriptive answers to a questionnaire concerning about activities of drama production by general observers. On the basis of the results of this reflection of my own practice, I’d like to present three hypotheses about the teacher’s support to the creating an interaction among high school students through making drama production. First, a teacher should support students by listening carefully to their views; Second, a teacher should encourage them to discuss the themes of the original story, which would make them closer to the story; Third a teacher should prompt them to form the interaction among students, as well as between students and a teacher in a formal and informal way.