Acta Slavica Iaponica

24     ( 2007 issued )

South-East European Federalism and Contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
Bebler, Anton 1-23
Drug-Trafficking through Russia's Post-Soviet Borders : Problems, Misperceptions, and Countermeasures PDF
Golunov, Sergei 24-46
Khrushchev Era Politics and the Investigation of the Kirov Murder, 1956-1957 PDF
Lenoe, Matthew 47-73
«Я - высланная, ты - без ноги». Депортация калмыков (1943-1956) : гендерный взгляд PDF
Гучинова, Эльза-Баир 74-99
Re-establishing Economic Relations between Russia and Japan after the Russo-Japanese War : The 1907 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation PDF
Shulatov, Yaroslav 100-111
Russifying Bureaucracy and the Politics of Jewish Education in the Russian Empire's Northwest Region (1860s-1870s) PDF
Dolbilov, Mikhail 112-143
Metamorphosis of Gods : A Historical Study on the Traditional Religion of the Chuvash PDF
Goto, Masanori 144-165
О некоторых источниках «буддийской Москвы» Осипа Мандельштама PDF
Мачерет, Елизабет 166-187
Мифологизм и мистерия в символистском романе Андрея Белого («Крещеный китаец») PDF
Филимонова, Александра 188-204
Description of the Border Areas of Russia with Japan and Their Inhabitants in Witsen's North and East Tartary PDF
de Graaf, Tjeerd;Naarden, Bruno 205-220
«Я начал как бы второй круг...» Разговор с Альфредом Шнитке PDF
Мейлах, Михаил 221-228
Roundtable: What Is a School? Is There a Fitzpatrick School of Soviet History? PDF
Bone, Jonathan;Edele, Mark;Lenoe, Matthew;Suny, Ronald Grigor 229-241
Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda. Edited by Kevin M.F. Platt and David Brandenberger. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2006. xvi+355 pp. PDF
Ikeda, Yoshiro 242-245