北海道大學工學部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University

Vol.12 No.2     ( 1968-02 issued )

Stress Concentration Factors of Twisted Bars with L, T and Cruciform Cross-sections PDF
Ishikawa, Hiromasa;Hanzawa, Hiroshi 99-127
On the Equations of Motion of the Automobile and the Steady-State Circular Turn PDF
Irie, Toshihiro;Yamada, Gen;Fukaya, ken-ichi 129-151
Rippling of CEF-Type Electron Beams PDF
Sakuraba, Ichiro;Koyanagi, Kojiro 153-167
Dominant Zeros in Circuit Determinants PDF
Kurobe, Teiichi 169-181
Abstracts & Titles, No.43-No.46 PDF