低温科学 = Low Temperature Science - 第72巻


田尻, 拓也;山下, 克也;村上, 正隆

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/55015


A variety of aerosol species has an inherent ability to act as CCN and/or IN, and some of them actually activate under conditions relevant to the atmosphere. An accurate and quantitative description of the relation between physicochemical and biological properties of aerosol particles and their activity and potential role in cloud formation is a crucial subject for improvement of numerical cloud simulation and weather/climate prediction models. To overcome the current lack of understanding of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and to reduce the uncertainty in estimates of the aerosol indirect effects, we are attempting to propose novel incorporate parameterizations that link aerosol particles and cloud particles from the experimental approaches. This article focuses on the MRI dynamic cloud chamber experiments in progress and shows results of various types of specific particles.