低温科学 = Low Temperature Science - 第72巻


早坂, 忠裕

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/55027


The basic radiative properties are described in this paper. Refractive index of water and ice, and droplet size distribution play important roles in the relationship between microphysics and radiative properties of cloud. Water and ice are almost transparent for the radiation in visible region, and thus cloud transmits shortwave radiation even in a thick cloud. On the other hand, cloud easily becomes blackbody with increase in cloud water or ice content because of large absorptance of infrared radiation. These properties cause greenhouse effect and parasol effect, and cool the Earth’s surface as a result. However, cloud does not largely affect the absorption of shortwave radiation. Moreover, the longwave radiation at the cloud top is important for formation, maintenance, and dissipation od cloud.