低温科学 = Low Temperature Science - 第72巻

ミリ波雲レーダFALCON-Iの開発 : 現状と展望

鷹野, 敏明;高村, 民雄

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/55058


Observation of clouds using high frequency radars is one of powerful methods for investigating thin and high-altitude clouds,which affect greenhouse effect. FALCON-I is a millimeter wave cloud profiling radar of Chiba University at 95 GHz, which is the highest frequency for normal meteorological use and has high sensitivity and spatial-, temporal-resolution. The system of FALCON-I and examples of observations are presented;accelerating rain drops to the terminal velocity in about 200m from the cloud bottom,Doppler velocity width reaches 10 m/s in cloudlets in ascending phase of a cumulonimbus, good correspondence of cloud profiles obtained FALCON-I and satellite observations, and so on. Future developments of FALCON are also mentioned.