アイヌ・先住民研究 Aynu Teetawanoankur Kanpinuye = Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies - 第4号


ヌルミ, ユッシ

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91269
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/Jais.4.059
KEYWORDS : アイヌ語; 命令; 禁止; 否定; 迂言; Ainu language; imperatives; prohibition; negation; periphrasis


This paper examines negative imperative sentences containing the prohibitive adverb in Ainu. Canonical negative imperatives are formed by placing the prohibitive adverb before the verb phrase, but so-called periphrastic constructions are also present. In periphrastic constructions, the verb may contain subject personal markings, additional negative elements apart from the prohibitive adverb and so on. Previous research present various imperative constructions, but they have failed to provide data on the occurrence of canonical and periphrastic constructions. This study presents that around 60% of the negative imperatives used in this Ainu material are canonical and less than 40% are periphrastic constructions. Furthermore, the analysis of the research material used in this study finds prohibitive constructions accompanied with other negations a rather rare, but possible, phenomenon. Additionally, as affirmative imperatives tend to follow prohibitives, I suggest that the conjunction no, which is used with negatives, can also be considered a corrective (not A but B).