アイヌ・先住民研究 Aynu Teetawanoankur Kanpinuye = Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies - 第4号

比較不可能だったアイヌ語方言分類 : 統計的方言分類を類似判断の点から再考する

小野, 洋平;深澤, 美香

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91280
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/Jais.4.093
KEYWORDS : アイヌ語; 方言学; デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ; ヒューマニティーズ・コンピューティング; 情報の復元; Ainu language; dialectology; digital humanities; humanities computing; information retrieval


Hattori and Chiri (1960) and Asai (1974) applied statistics to basic lexical items of Ainu and attempted to classify the dialects. However, their classifications were not comparable because they applied different judgments of similarity to their lexical items. Asai’s (1974) similarity judgments and lexical items, which had been unknown for a long time, were finally clarified by Ono’s (2020) algorithm and Ono and Fukazawa (2023). In this study, we applied the similarity judgments of Hattori and Chiri (1960) and Asai (1974) to 110 basic items used in Asai (1974) and compared the effects of the judgments on the statistical classification of Ainu dialects. As a result, the “Saru-Chitose (and Sakhalin) type” was obtained from Hattori and Chiri (1960), and the “East-West type” from Asai (1974). The humanities as well as linguistics would also need to clarify the consistency between the purpose of classification and the judgments of similarity.