子ども発達臨床研究 = The Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development - 第20号

思春期におけるASD のある子どもたちの社会的動機づけの特徴 : Social Motivation Interview 日本語版を用いた調査

若野, 舞乃;岡田, 智;大平, 明人;大谷, 和大

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/92666
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/rcccd.20.35
KEYWORDS : 社会的動機づけインタビュー; 自閉症スペクトラム障害; アセスメント; 仲間関係; 友人関係; social motivation interview; Autism Spectrum Disorder; assessment; peer relationship; friendship


The social interest of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may emerge later than their typically developing peers, often resulting in gaps in social skills and motivation between them and their non-ASD children. Consequently, their caregivers and teachers tend to focus predominantly on the difficulties and behavioral aspects of children with ASD, overlooking the internally psychological aspects regarding interpersonal relationships. This study aims to investigate the features of social motivation in adolescents with ASD and methods for assessing it. Interviews were conducted with six children with ASD and their families using the Social Motivation Interview (SMI). Qualitative analysis was performed using thematic analysis, resulting in the generation of eighteen subcategories and six themes. These subcategories were broadly categorized into aspects arising from ASD characteristics and those that emerged secondarily from experiences. The study reflects on the characteristics of social motivation in children with ASD and their assessment perspectives.