国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies;No.34


ツーリスト経験価値の公理とカテゴリーに関する実証研究 : ひがし北海道デスティネーションのケーススタディ

北村, 倫夫

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/85258


This study examined the experience value of visitors to the tourist destination of Eastern Hokkaido by means of an Internet survey; it drew on the premise of previous research by the author, “Axioms and Comprehensive Categories of Tourist Experience Value”The present study arrived at three conclusions. First, following crosstable residual analysis with the three related elements of experience value (activity, experience, and value consciousness) as variables, I identified many categories with statistically significant differences (significance level of α = 0.05). I also found that the combination pattern of characteristic experience and value consciousness categories differed considerably depending on the type of tourist activity. Second, there were almost no statistically significant differences in activity, experience, or value consciousness as a result of differences in the respondents' gender, age, or number of trips. Third, the tentative theory presented in “Axioms and Comprehensive Categories of Tourist Experience Value” proved effective and applicable for visitor surveys and analyses for Eastern Hokkaido.