高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning - 第31号

「スポーツで学ぶアントレプレナーシップ」プロジェクト実施報告 : バスケットボール教室開催とその成果

椎名, 希美;越智, 啓吾;岩城, 圭司;白石, 瑛人;杉村, 逸郎

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91700
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/J.HighEdu.31.55


A The “Entrepreneurship Through Sports” project launched against the backdrop of the increasing importance of entrepreneurship education, the declining number of sports opportunities in Hokkaido, and the serious decline in elementary school students' physical fitness. The project seeks to capitalize on the high affinity between the effects of sports and the fostering of entrepreneurship. Under the project, a basketball school was offered to 12 elementary school students in Naganuma. The concept was “growing by improving individual skills and team play and learning to make the most of them,” and the program included individual skill lessons, lectures on teamwork, games, and consistent positive encouragement. Questionnaires sent to participants, parents, and university students who served as instructors showed positive responses in all areas related to entrepreneurship and sports opportunities, indicating that the project achieved success.