年報 公共政策学 = Annals, public policy studies;第18号


小規模自治体における SDGs 施策の推進 : 熊本県山都町を事例として

山本, 直樹

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91839
KEYWORDS : SDGs;small local governments;organic agriculture;Yamato Town


In 2021, Yamato Town in Kumamoto Prefecture was selected as an SDGs Future City, focusing on a comprehensive plan centered on organic agriculture. The SDG initiatives in Yamato Town exhibit the following characteristics: (1) a concerted effort to synergize economic, social, and environmental aspects while establishing an administrative framework to support the advancement of organic agriculture, (2) focus on raising awareness and encouraging engagement from each and every resident, with the intention to instill SDG principles across generations, and (3) collaboration with local stakeholders and dissemination of information in a creative manner. Yamato Town’s SDGs Future City Plan, with its core focus on organic agriculture, serves as the foundation for the implementation of SDG measures. Ongoing efforts are directed toward strengthening this foundation. In the future, it will be important to enhance follow-up mechanisms on SDG measures and share information with residents and stakeholders while implementing and reviewing the measures.