子ども発達臨床研究センター英文年報 = Research and Clinical Center for Child Development : Annual Report;No. 29


The Changes in Developmental Niche: Nurturance Formation in Young People of Japan

CHEN, Shing-Jen

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/28228
KEYWORDS : shoshika;nurturance;yoikusei;baby-sitting;developmental niche;nuclear family


This paper argues that one of the factors underlying the so-called ‘Shoshika’ or ‘problem of decreasing number of children’ in present day Japan is the malformation of nurturance in young people before they start parenting. University students from North America were interviewed in order to find out about the baby sitter system in America. It was suggested that the baby sitter system, consisting of the young people (the baby sitters), their parents (who encourage them), and the caregivers of young children, serves as a nurturance formation device. On the contrary, due to drastic changes in family structure and the disappearance of community life, younger generations of Japanese grew up with little or no experience with young children. They are suffering from serious failure in nurturance formation. Shoshika is one of the results. The paper suggests that nurturance formation should add a new dimension to the concept of developmental niche.