看護総合科学研究会誌 = Journal of comprehensive nursing research;vol. 11 no. 1


終末期医療に関する看護教育のあり方の検討 : 学生の関心に焦点を当てて

青柳, 道子;鷲見, 尚己

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35612
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/34125
KEYWORDS : End-of-Life care;nursing education;nursing students;interest;attitude towards death;終末期医療;看護教育;看護学生;関心;死生観


Purpose: To clarify the attitude of nursing students towards death, to determine which aspects of End-of-Life Care they are interested in before lectures on End-of-Life Care, and to consider the content and the method of End-of-Life nursing education. Method: Subjects were third year nursing students. We used a questionnaire to study the degree of interest in End-of-Life Care: knowledge about End-of-Life, how knowledge about End-of-Life is acquired, and experience with death. We used the Death Attitude Inventory (DAI) to study their attitude towards death. Results and discussion: Responses from 54 nursing students were analyzed. They were very interested in psychological and mental health care, physical care and ethical aspects of End-of-Life Care. However, they were not interested so much in End-of-Life Care specialists. Therefore, a method of teaching, which interests nursing students in End-of-Life Care, and the appropriate time to present this course need to be determined. Although participants had significant interest in End-of-Life Care, most did not actively collect information and knowledge except from media resources. A few students read books and attended lectures on End-of-Life Care. Hence, our research indicates that media resources are a good way to teach End-of-Life Care because students are very familiar with them, and books and lectures, which student can understand, should be presented.