北海道大学演習林研究報告 = Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests;第六十八巻 第一号


馬搬作業の今日的意味と森林文化・馬事文化の創造 : 北海道南西部の展開事例を踏まえて

早尻, 正宏;夏目, 俊二

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/49957
KEYWORDS : 馬搬作業;森林文化;馬事文化;地域づくり;北海道;community development;forest culture;Hokkaido;horse culture;horse skidding


The mechanization of forestry production has decreased the number of skidding operations that use horses. In the Hokkaido and Tohoku districts, horse skidding is recognized as a regional forest and horse culture, and attempts are now being made to transfer these skills. The aim of this study was to provide basic data on horse skidding that will be required for future transfer of these skills and to conduct case studies in Kikonai-cho and Kaminokuni-cho, Hokkaido. The case study results can be summarized as follows: (1) since no new logging roads are required, horse skidding is an environmentally friendly method that results in little damage to forests and trees; and (2) in small-scale operation sites, horse skidding is less costly than hauling using tractors. The stable transfer of horse skidding skills, which are a precious cultural aspect of forest regions, to the next generation will require exchange of information, knowledge, and experience on horse skidding between regions where horse skidding is still conducted.