北海道大学総合博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Museum;第7号 (Biodiversity and Biogeography of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin 4)


Alien plants collected or confirmed on the islands of Shikotan, Kunashir and Iturup on the 2009–2012 Botanical Expeditions

Fukuda, Tomoko;Alelsandr A., Taran;Sato, Hiroyuki;kato, Yukie;Tkakahashi, Hideki

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/55178
KEYWORDS : alien;Cakile edentula;Iturup;Kunashir;Kuril Islands;Rudbeckia laciniata;Shikotan


Alien plants collected or confirmed by photographs during the 2009-2012 botanical expeditions to the islands of Shikotan, Kunashir and Iturup were reported. In all, 21 alien plants were newly found from these islands: Aegopodium podagraria L., Daucus carota L. subsp. carota, a double-flowered form of Achillea ptarmica L., Rudbeckia laciniata L. var. hortensis L.H.Bailey, Solidago gigantea Aiton subsp. serotina (Kuntze) McNeill, Tanacetum vulgare L. var.vulgare, Echium vulgare L., Symphytum ×uplandicum Nyman, Brassica napus L., Cakile edentula(Bigelow) Hook., Saponaria officinalis L., Chenopodium ficifolium Sm., Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. subsp. suaveolens (Ledeb.) H.Ohashi, Trifolium campestre Schreb., Hypericum perforatum L. Mentha ×gracilis Sole, Oxalis dillenii Jacq., Anthoxanthum odoratum L. subsp. glabrescens (Ćelak.) Asch. et Graebn., Elytrigia repens (L. ) Desv. ex B.D.Jackson var. aristata (Doell) Prokud. and Lolium perenne L. All the alien plants reported to date, including those we found, were analyzed in an invasive period and with a geographical relationship. Some details were determined for the especially harmful invasive species found during our expedition: Rudbeckia laciniata L., Solidago gigantea Aiton, Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook., and Aegopodium podagraria L.