科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication;15号



石井, 哲也;大津, 珠子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56437
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/66437
KEYWORDS : science cafe;NIPT;prenatal diagnostic test;reproductive autonomy;disability rights


胎児の染色体異常を検査とする無侵襲性出生前遺伝学的検査(NIPT)は,検査採血の容易さ,妊娠早期の検査実施,および高い信頼性により生殖の自己決定権を向上しうる.しかし,臨床的,倫理的,および社会的問題も同時にもたらした.我々はNIPTに関するサイエンスカフェを実施し,その結果を考察した. このカフェでは,参加者に生殖や先天異常の情報を提供するとともに,NIPTに対する様々な姿勢や関連法についても説明した.アンケート調査の結果,参加者のNIPT受容性は,受容可能(27%),どちらかというと受容可能(32%),どちらかというと受容不可能(14%),受容不可能(1%),回答不能(26%)となり,既報の世論調査と比較すると,一部参加者がより慎重な姿勢となった可能性が示唆された.また,一部参加者は遺伝的疾患や知能の検査へのNIPT利用を受容しうると回答した.NIPTの更なる利用拡大に先立ち,生殖の自己決定権のより倫理的な行使には社会教育の充実が不可欠であるが,サイエンスカフェは親密な雰囲気下での情報提供と参加者間コミュニケーションの促進が可能であることから,有効な社会教育の一つとなりうる.
Although clinical use of non-invasive prenatal genetic testing (NIPT) to detect fetal aneuploidy may improve reproductive autonomy owing to early testing, its reliability, as well as the ease of obtaining blood samples, NIPT raises clinical, ethical, and social issues. We herein report the implementation of a science cafe regarding NIPT and examine the results. In this cafe, we explained various attitudes toward NIPT and relevant policies as well as information regarding on human reproduction and congenital anomalies. The subsequent survey clarified the acceptability of NIPT among the participants as follows: acceptable = 27%, rather acceptable = 32%, rather unacceptable = 14%, unacceptable = 1%, and unanswerable = 26%. These results and considerations suggested the possibility that this science cafe increased caution among some of the participants with respect to NIPT. Meanwhile, the survey also revealed the possibility that some individuals may accept the use of NIPT to detect genetic diseases and assess intelligence. Prior to the further spread of NIPT, social education should be given for better exercising reproductive autonomy. From this perspective, a science cafe may be an effective approach, as it provides important information in a casual and intimate manner and promotes mutual communication among the participants.