高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning - 第20号

中堅層教員を対象とした新しいFD ワークショップ報告 : 2012年度北海道大学教育改善マネジメント・ワークショップ

山田, 邦雅;阿部, 和厚;細川, 敏幸;竹山, 幸作;西森, 敏之;安藤, 厚

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56824
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/J.HighEdu.20.61


Hokkaido University has been holding two-day workshops on management for midcareer faculty members since 2011. It is designed for faculty members who want to enhance their management abilities, and who have worked more than 5 years in their institutes. The first workshop in 2011 did not go well. The participants said that they were unimpressed by the lectures and did not know what they were meant to improve. We thought that this was due to the fact that virtual planning was not challenging. Therefore we redesigned the workshop to deal with real plans for the ongoing “Nitobe college” project. In addition there were other changes to try to establish satisfactory progress. However, these changes did not improve the situation much. We therefore need a fundamental review about the goals of the workshop. Here we report the contents of the second workshop, the participants’ conclusions and the results of a questionnaire.