北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第69集


The Policy System for Stable Securement of Fishermen and its Characteristics : With a focus on Policy Development in Hokkaido

SASAKI, Takafumi;MIYAZAWA, Haruhiko

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/57370


The number of fishery workers in Japan is decreasing. Accordingly, this paper clarified the functions of two-track policies designed to secure the positions of and train new fishery workers implemented by the Hokkaido Prefectural Government. We particularly focused on the "Securement and Development of Fisherman Center Project" of Hokkaido and the Hokkaido Fisherman Training Institute, and examined these programs' operation and educational content, attributes of trainees, and trainee employment trends in order to specify an appropriate system for training fishery workers. The results indicate it is necessary to set up a training system to maintain coastal fisheries according to the reality of regional fishing industries. The training system should include the following: (1) training programs provided by the training institute to support the reproduction of the labor force from inside fishing families, and (2) training programs supported directly by public funds to provide skills training and an employment environment to the labor force from outside fishing families. Both training programs should be cooperative.