北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第126号


学校適応感とその予測要因に関する検討(1) : 「学校適応の負の側面」としてのスクールカースト

水野, 君平

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/62507
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.126.101
KEYWORDS : 学校適応;学校適応感;学校生活;「スクールカースト」;school adjustment;subjective adjustment;school life;“School Caste”


The goals of this study were to review the studies about school adjustment in Japan and show “negative aspect of school adjustment” which had not been studied in detail in previous studies. This study focused on predictors of subjective adjustment, especially the index of school adjustment. Further, the author demonstrated that the socially desirable and undesirable factors were the predictor of subjective adjustment. For example, a socially desirable factor could be in terms of academic achievement which were related to the goodness of subjective adjustment. In contrast, bullying was socially undesirable factor that was related to the goodness of friendship. Altogether, the socially desirable and undesirable factors were positively related to school adjustment. In terms of the findings, this study revealed that “School Caste” was the phenomenon, in which students in the high status group tend to prefer classroom hierarchy, and behaved dominantly in their classroom. In addition, they were likely to adjust to school life better than those of the lower status group. In conclusion, “School Caste” was the socially undesirable factor, and was also a “negative aspect of school adjustment”. Moreover, the author suggested that the existence of “School Caste” had led to various problems in school, which provided good grounds to examine this topic in the future studies.