北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第128号

集団疎開児童の医療問題 : 女子医学専門学校「学徒医療隊」の無医村動員

逸見, 勝亮

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/66771
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.128.67
KEYWORDS : 学童集団疎開; 無医村; 女子医学専門学校生徒; 水上小学校; 加藤淑子; evacuation of elementary school children; doctorless area; women's medical college students; SUIJYO elementary school; Yoshiko KATOH


The Japanese government ordered 400,000 children of national elementary school to collectively evacuate from 13 cities including Tokyo and Yokohama on July 22, 1944. In order to smoothly carry out evacuation of elementary school children, the health and sanitation problems were important issues, such as securing lodging, food and daily necessities. As of October 26, 1944, 354, 937 children were evacuated from 8 cities including Tokyo and Yokohama to 1,751 municipalities. Among them, 52,006 ( 14.65%) children were evacuated to 354 municipalities ( 20.22%), which were doctorless area. Therefore medical problems of evacuated children emerged as a difficult task at once. For evacuated children in doctorless area, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare asked the Medical Association and the Dental Association for cooperation of medical treatment. At the same time, they mobilized the students of the Tokyo Women's Medical College (present Tokyo Women's Medical University) and the Imperial Women's Medical and Pharmaceutical College (present Toho University) as“Medical Corps of Students”to 46 doctorless area. While studying the following points, this paper prove that the mobilized students of the Tokyo Women's Medical College and the Imperial Women's Medical and Pharmaceutical College were doctors without confusion for evacuated children and local residents in doctorless area. (1) The medical issues in doctorless area where children evacuated and the countermeasures taken by the government and the prefecture against them (2) The mobilization planning of“Medical Corps of Students”to doctorless area where children evacuated (3) The mobilization situation of“Medical Corps of Students”in doctorless area where children evacuated (4) The actual condition of“medical assistance and health guidance”by“Medical Corps of Students”in doctorless area where children evacuated