北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第128号

ノルウェーにおけるサーミ教育の現状と課題 : 初等・中等教育の場合

上山, 浩次郎

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/66772
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.128.131
KEYWORDS : 先住民教育; ノルウェー; サーミ; Indigenous Education; Norway; Sami


This paper examines the current situation and issues of Sami Education in Norway. The rehabilitation of Sami as the indigenous people in Scandinavia has been progressed after World WarⅡ. Norway has been seen as an advanced model. Given the role of school system in the assimilation for Sami since modern era, it is important to clarify the current situation in Norwegian school education. The Education Act guarantees that all the Sami pupils at primary and secondary school regardless of where they live are provided teaching in and of the Sami language. Moreover, in the Sami area non-Sami pupils at primary and lower secondary school have the right to be taught in and of the Sami. There are two parallel curriculums:“Knowledge Promotion”and “Knowledge Promotion Sami”. The latter which emphasizes the contents about the Sami has some subjects that are different from ordinary curriculum and some subjects that are parallel and equal. The teaching materials in Sami languages have been prepared under the initiatives of the Sami Parliament. Moreover there are programs for initial Sami teacher education in Sami University of Applied Sciences. However the teaching materials in Lure and South Sami languages are not enough than North Sami. Moreover there are few areas and schools which do Sami education. Nevertheless, compared with the past, school education in Norway at present plays a large role in rehabilitation of Sami.