北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第62集


中国国有林における地域社会と集団多角経営の現段階 : 吉林省白河林業局を事例に

金, 玉善;山本, 美穂;朴, 紅

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/8346


Chinese national forestry stations have been engaged in various and unique community services in each to their jurisdiction. But since the latter half of the 1980's, forest management has faced serious problems, such as depletion of forest resources due to destruction of virgin forests over a long period and managerial difficulties in the midst of economic reform and liberalization. Under the natural forest protection policy in 1998, production of timber, which was a major product, was strictly regulated, and production of non - timber and forestry products were emphasized as the second and third forestry industries. In this paper the following facts have become clear ; 1) rationalization and reform for the forest community and administrative services are implemented at a fast pace and 2) various countermeasures are taken for diversified businesses through group operation, including a subcontract work system, organizing a business corporation, and a commissioned operation system. As for the administrative reform, abolishment or merger of divisions as well as establishment of new divisions are promoted. Now Chinese national forest community requires management abilities that have never been seen before.