北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第131号


高校中退の軌跡と構造 : 北海道における64ケースの分析

横井, 敏郎;伊藤, 健治;横関, 理恵

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/71022
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.131.111
KEYWORDS : 高校中退経験者;若者の移行過程;早期離学;自己解釈;社会的排除;High School Dropouts;Process of Youth Transition;Early School Leaving;Parties Interpretation of Dropout;Social Exclusion


We conducted interview surveys to inquire the processes of youth transition in contemporary Japan. The young interviewees were the residents in Hokkaido Prefecture, from 17 to 35 years old, who had dropped out from high schools. The number of cases are 64. It is necessary to see the processes of their education, jobs and lives from dropping out and after it to understand the phenomenon of dropping out from high schools. Dropping out is one of the results of poverty and social exclusion in many cases. However some dropouts from middle class families entered professional schools or universities, and others went through a lot of difficulties in their daily lives. We have found the stratification in dropouts. And some dropouts from middle class families didn’t have stable jobs, but some dropouts from lower class families got regular employment because they encountered social resources and relationships. Many dropouts interpreted dropping out from school as the meaningful experiences for their lives. The loci of lives of high school dropouts could be changed, if they got relevant social resources and relationships.