高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning - 第28号

伴走的キャリア支援による自律した若者の育成の取り組み : 北海道大学新渡戸カレッジの事例

肖, 蘭;シュルーター, 智子;髙橋, 彩

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/81048
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/J.HighEdu.28.57


This article aims to propose an accompanied-learning model of career education based on collaboration with teachers and practitioners through a case study in Hokkaido University. Nitobe College in Hokkaido University, through a "fellow system" that utilizes the alumni association network for education and career support, has held a "career development seminar" and has been trying an accompanied-learning model career education. This seminar incorporates four elements: self-understanding, vocational understanding, career planning, and assessment. It build, a route for reciprocal relationships among the four elements, and students' work in the reciprocal process with the accompaniment of their mentors and peers. This concept of the accompanying support model has three aspects: (1) it supports independence, (2) it has a diverse support group of fellows, professors, and students, and (3) goal development through trial and error. What is particularly important is that supporters do not give support unilaterally, but let students gain power for themselves while confirming their own directions in the relationships with others.