国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies;No.7


昭和20年代の英文学翻訳と英文学研究 : 「英語青年」誌における翻訳規範の形成とそのコンテクスト

佐藤, 美希

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35152


Having been translated by academic researchers, the Japanese translations of English literature have been governed by the academia of English literary studies. Also, the academia has been developed as an institutionalised system reflecting socio-cultural current of thought. Thus, English literary translation in Japan is characterised by the fact that academia underpinned by ideology has played a role of essential determiner of translation norms. This study discusses the relationship between Japanese translations of English literature, English literary studies, and socio-cultural current of thought in the decade after World War II, when the defeat in the war forced Japanese society and culture into an enormous reshaping since the Meiji Restoration. One example of this relationship is illustrated in discourses upon how translation should be done and how English literary studies should conduct research. This paper examines those discourses in a journal Eigo-Seinen in the decade after 1945. It then analyses how the norms of English literary translation were constructed by or intertwined with academic norms and the socio-cultural context in Japan.