北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第4号


「初級発音聴解」シラバス決定に向けて : 研修ABコースLLクラス実践報告

和田, 弥恵子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45591
KEYWORDS : LL;発音;聴解;韻律;自己モニター


This paper reports on syllabuses for pronunciation and listening comprehension ('LL class') in the intensive Japanese course for beginners. from autumn term in 1997 through spring term in 2000. Firstly, it discusses the syllabus used until 1999 and problems which arose in practice. Secondly, it describes a revised syllabus for the year 2000 and its evaluation. The content of the LL class can be divided into two main areas: pronunciation and listening comprehension. The goal ot the former area is to acquire a general idea of the Japanese sound system and to improve both the perception and production of pronunciation. The latter area aims to improve learners' listening competence through materials containing grammatical items already taught. However, several problems which do not necessarily facilitate these goals became evident in the old syllabus. For example, in the area of pronunciation, focus was placed on single sounds, and dictation measured recognition of these sounds. However, greater emphasis should be put rather on prosody, which affects the naturalness of utterances more, and priority should be given to accuracy of pronunciation rather than to spelling of words. A substantial revision of the syllabus took effect ahead of the academic year 2000. Particularly in the pronunciation section, more time was devoted to accurate distinction and production of moras and prosody. According to learners' course evaluation, 90% answered that the LL class was 'very helpful' or 'helpful' in accomplishing the goals of both the pronunciation and the listening areas.