北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第5号


日本語学習者の漢字辞書使用ストラテジー : 初級者と上級者の事例研究

伊藤, 早苗;鈴木, 正子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45621
KEYWORDS : 漢字学習ストラテジー;漢字辞書使用ストラテジー;メタ認知;文脈と意味の照合;電子辞書


The purpose of this study is to find out how learners of J apanese use strategies in using kanji dictionaries. The researchers defined strategies in using kanji dictionaries as strategies of learning kanji. Focusing on dealing with difficulties in looking up kanji, the cases of learners at beginning and advanced level are studied. Beginning learners of kanji were assigned the task of looking up unknown single kanji and kanji compounds in the kanji dictionary, and advanced learners were assigned the task of translating a Japanese text which included unknown words into their native language. The search processes were recorded on video and follow-up interviews were video- and tape recorded. To find out the difference of strategies used by beginning-level learners, two learners whose performance in looking up kanji were contrastive were focused. In addition, the feature of strategies used by advanced-level learners was investigated. Findings were that (1) the strategies used by the high-performing beginning-level learner were to change the way of looking up kanji frequently, and to recognize the use of kanji dictionary metacognitively; and (2) advanced-level learners looked up kanji using readings as clues, using several dictionaries including electronic dictionaries, and attaching importance to checking meaning and context.