年報 公共政策学 = Annals, public policy studies;第17号


国家公務員における民間人材の登用に関する考察 : 登用状況、公務への貢献事例などに着目して

山本, 直樹

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/89015
KEYWORDS : National public service;private sector personnel;status of appointment;contribution to public service


This article surveys the status of the appointment of private sector personnel to national public service and the specific contributions of private sector personnel in the public service workplace, the challenges they face, and the direction of measures to address them. With regard to the status of appointment, the increasing trend of private sector personnel appointment in recent years has been remarkable, as evidenced by the fact that the number of those accepted into national public service without a limitation of period has doubled over the past five years. In this context, based on the results of an interview-based survey of private sector personnel, specific examples of contributions by private sector personnel in the public service workplace were identified under the categories of (1) “knowledge and experience utilization,” (2) “work improvement,” and (3)“network utilization.” The survey also identified significant issues, such as dealing with tasks unique to the public service and responding to the Diet and revisions of the law, and the provision of sufficient information on tasks unique to public service.