アイヌ・先住民研究 Aynu Teetawanoankur Kanpinuye = Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies;第4号


アイヌとセトラー・コロニアリズム : インディアン史とアイヌ史の比較

徳冨, 雅人

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91285
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/Jais.4.161
KEYWORDS : セトラー・コロニアリズム;歴史学;インディアン;アイヌ;Settler Colonialism;Ainu;Indian;Historical Studies


The theory of Settler Colonialism has been used to analyze the history of indigenous peoples still under colonialist rule from the state since 2000. This paper aims to place the colonialism suffered by the Ainu from the Japanese in the context of Settler Colonialism by comparing the modern and contemporary history of the Ainu and the Native Americans. It is a comparative study of the history of the Ainu and with that of the indigenous peoples from other countries, which have a wealth of research based on the theory of Settler Colonialism, which has not been done in previous studies. As a result, it became clear that the colonialism suffered by the Ainu is also Settler Colonialism, which is centralized nucleic, cultural, and statistical exclusion of the modern state. Also, there are invisible by further internalization. In other words, the Ainu share the experience of present colonialism suffered by the global indigenous peoples.