アイヌ・先住民研究 Aynu Teetawanoankur Kanpinuye = Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies;第4号


民族の自己決定権による遺骨返還運動 : 琉球の脱植民地化を目指して

松島, 泰勝

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91331
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/Jais.4.241
KEYWORDS : 民族の自己決定権;琉球の脱植民地化;琉球民族遺骨返還請求訴訟;先住民族の権利;研究者による墓荒らし


Anthropologists are colonialists who expose other cultures, steal things, and provide academic justification for colonial rule. How much has anthropological research contributed to solving the problems of colonialism, improving the rights and dignity of the Ryukyuan people, and restoring their sovereignty, which they are still suffering from? Wasn't Ryukyu only a place of deprivation for "intellectual curiosity" and "research achievement"? The Lawsuit for the Return of the Remains of the Ryukyuan People was the first lawsuit in a Japanese court to demand Kyoto University to return the remains of the Ryukyuan people, criticizing the history of Japanese colonial rule over the Ryukyu Islands and asserting the right of indigenous peoples to return their remains under international law. The return of indigenous peoples' remains has become a global trend. However, Japanese academics have taken a "closed-door" approach to this issue, wielding the prerogatives of academias and refusing to liquidate their own imperialism. The return of Ryukyuan remains, Zushigame, and burial accessories is an exercise of the "right of self-determination of peoples" for the decolonization and deimperialization of the Ryukyu Islands.