北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第6号



中村, 重穂

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45628
KEYWORDS : 大日本軍宣撫班;『日本語會話讀本 巻一/巻二』;華北占領地;宣撫工作としての日本語教育;中国語教育


This paper investigates the authorship of the Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon (Reader for Japanese Conversation) edited by the Japanese Military Placation Squad during the Sino-Japanese War from 1931 to 1945. Examination of the teaching methods, structures and contents of these textbooks and the historical background in this paper leads us to focus on the relation between Japanese language teaching and Chinese language teaching before 1945, a topic which so far has gained little attention. As a result, it is suggested that the author(s) of these textbooks were staff of the South Manchurian Railway Co. Ltd. or teacher(s) of Chinese language who learned Chinese by the teaching method of Zenrin-Shoin. Further, comparing the figure on the back cover of vol.2 of the 3rd edition of these textbooks with other textbooks suggests the possibility that the 3rd edition was revised by the Tada military unit. Finally, as remaining issues, documentation on the establishment of the Military Placation Squad and the conditions of use of Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon needs to be found, and the field of study of the history of Japanese language teaching needs to be further extended.