北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第10号


宣撫班本部編『日本語會話讀本』の文献学的考察・その2 : 南満洲教育会編纂教科書との比較を通して

中村, 重穂

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45660
KEYWORDS : 宣撫班;『日本語會話讀本』;南満洲教育会教科書編輯部;『速成日本語讀本』;宣撫工作としての日本語教育


This paper investigates, through a comparison with textbooks edited by the South Manchurian Society of Education (SMSE), the origin and characteristics of the "Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon (Reader for Japanese Conversation)" edited by the Japanese Military Placation Squad. Through this comparison, it was found that this textbook was edited according to the rules for the use of SMSE kana; the existence of a Chinese translation, and the structure as well as the usage of symbols show that "Sokusei Nippongo Tokuhon (Short-Course Reader in Japanese)", the first book, is thought to be the origin based upon "Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon" among the textbooks edited by SMSE. Furthermore, this comparison found the following three characteristics of "Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon": 1) it was a short-course textbook suitable for placation activities, especially those held with a military unit. 2) it was "ironic" that it borrowed its framework from textbooks of Chinese (an enemy at that time). 3) it served as a "visual propaganda" tool afterwards, because the above two points were contradictory as a language-textbook. Finally, as future research issues, re-consideration of the editorial policy of Placation Squad textbooks, the influence of "Sokusei Nippongo Tokuhon" on "Nippongo Kaiwa Tokuhon", and a comparison with other textbooks are needed