北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第120号


学習指導要領におけるボールゲームでの技能内容の変遷に関する研究 : 「 ゴール型」ゲームにおける「集団的技能」に着目して

宗野, 文俊;佐藤, 亮平

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56430
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.120.137
KEYWORDS : 「 ゴール型」ゲーム;戦術学習;集団的技能;ボールを持たないときの動き;“goal-type” games;learning of tactics;collective skills;off the ball movement


This paper considered changes of handling of the tactical subject paying attention to “the collective skill” of the “goal type” game in the curriculum guidelines after the war. As a result, it became clear that teaching of the ball games in the curriculum guidelines had been aimed to improve the quality of“ the games” consistently. In addition, it clarified that“ the collective skills” had been positioned as the medium terms to connect “the game” with “the individual skills” as the skills of the operations of the ball and the physical movements. And, it was suggested that the position of “the collective skills” as the medium terms had been taken over as “off the ball movement” in the current curriculum guidelines. Moreover, because of having divided “the collective skills” into tactical elements, it had been intended to develop “the game” as the whole built up linearly from simple and easy to difficult and complex. However, it was difficult to improve the quality of “the game” actually. Therefore, it was suggested that there is the necessity of finding out the viewpoint which catches the change of not only the tactical element of the ball game but also “the game” as the whole.