フロンティア農業経済研究 = The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics;第20巻第1号


個別面接方式によるCV調査の回収率に関する研究 : 十勝地域の農業景観を題材に

白井, 康裕;吉田, 裕介;三宅, 俊輔;江部, 成彦

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/67536


The purpose of this paper is to determine benefits of multifunctionality in agriculture by using the contingent valuation method (CVM). Especially, the study focused on the practice of CVM in order to obtain the helpful knowledge when planning surveys by personal interviews. We conclude that personal interview surveys are more effective and valid than mail surveys. This conclusion is reached the present study was performed with a higher response rate and higher valid response rate than a previous study. It has been demonstrated in other studies that personal interview surveys involve considerable costs for practice as well as much time is spent in the preparations. The ability to acquire a useful sample with only two researchers in a week suggests that personal interview surveys save practice time. The future direction of CVM will be to accumulate detailed data of responses in personal interviews like the present study to ensure efficiency in the survey design.