アイヌ・先住民研究 Aynu Teetawanoankur Kanpinuye = Journal of Ainu and Indigenous Studies;第2号


「北海道大学キャンパスガイドマップ」のアイヌ語併記作業について : 翻訳と脱植民地化に関する議論をめぐって

佐藤, 知己;北原, モコットゥナシ;イヤス, シリヤ

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84504
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/Jais.2.075
KEYWORDS : アイヌ語;翻訳;多文化主義;脱植民地化;当事者研究;Ainu language;translation;Multiculturalism;decolonization;Tojisha-Kenkyu


The present paper deals with a number of linguistic, cultural, and social issues that arise when translating Japanese documents into Ainu. The Ainu translation of the "Hokkaido University Campus Guide Map" was organized by the Public Relations Division of the Hokkaido University Head Office. It was carried out in cooperation with a non-native researcher of the Ainu language and native Ainu researchers from other research fields. Firstly, we explain different kinds of linguistic problems related to this work, especially, linguistic interpretations which were needed to create new accurate wordings. In addition, we deal with problems other than linguistic ones, for example, dealing with the translation of names of historical facilities and memorials on the grounds of Hokkaido University. While discussing, we found that there were disagreements on how much historical information should be reflected in the translation. These issues of disagreement prove that further research from various academic points of view, for example, philosophy, ethics, and history, will be necessary for the revitalization of the Ainu language. Furthermore, the case of Sámi, an indigenous language in Finland, is referred to in the report. Their experience with the general Finnish community offers a guiding example on how to deal with Ainu revitalization activities in the future.