北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第1号


中間言語における普遍文法の働き : 1996年の調査報告

佐藤, 豊

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45549
KEYWORDS : second language acquisition;第2言語獲得;Japanese;日本語;Universal Grammar;普遍文法;the Proper Binding Condition;適正束縛条件;scrambling;かきまぜ移動


This paper explores a possibility in which the working of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition (SLA) can be detected, even when the same universal principle is instantiated in both an L1 and L2, without confounding data with positive transfer from the L1. I first demonstrate that no transfer effects can be expected when the principle in question is instantiated in quite distinct language operations in the L1 and L2, e.g. WH-movement in English and scrambling in Japanese. Secondly, I report the results of a study which was conducted with eleven English, two French, and one Italian postpuberty learners of Japanese to investigate whether they could judge accurately Proper Binding Condition violations derived by scrambling in Japanese. The results indicate that they could do so 93% of the time, which strongly supports that UG is accessible to adult SLA. Their response patterns, when compared to those of the controls, did not indicate that they resorted to the strategies based on word order, frequency in input, or complexity in their grammaticality judgments.