高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第29号


病院経営に係るリカレント教育の現状調査 : 北海道大学における病院経営アドミニストレータ育成プログラムを通じて

青木, 智大;森井, 康博;椎名, 希美;石川, 智基;鈴木, 哲平;藤原, 健祐;谷, 祐児;小笠原, 克彦

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84355
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.29.105


The Hokkaido University Hospital Management Administrator Program offers an educational program that includes 12 courses to develop human resources for leadership in hospital management. The program will produce 84 graduates, including 27 individuals who will complete the program in April 2022. This study clarifies the status of recurrent education in the field of hospital management and the role of the program based on the results of a questionnaire survey of 57 graduates administered using Google Forms. The questionnaire consisted of the following items, including free descriptions: "Why did you take the course (multiple answers)," "Satisfaction with the program (5-point scale),"and"Whether the program had a positive impact on you (5-point scale)". The number of respondents was 49 (response rate: 85.9%), and the overall average satisfaction level was 4.3, with 87.8% of the respondents giving a satisfactory"4"or"5." The most common reason for taking the course was"because I wanted to acquire knowledge about hospital management" at 89.8%, followed by"because there was no other opportunity to learn the lecture content" at 55.1% and "because I was interested in obtaining a qualification/diploma" at 40.8%.