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Showing results 41 to 45 of 45
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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)浪花, 彰彦; 菅田, 定雄; 北條, 元; 高橋, 廣行; 高木, 健太郎; 野村, 睦; 杉下, 義幸; 柴田, 英昭; 秋林, 幸男; 香山, 雅純; 福澤, 加里部天塩研究林で実施した樹木バイオマス調査についてStudy on the estimation of forest biomass in Teshio Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests26-Dec-2003
bulletin (article)柴田, 英昭; 青栁, 陽子; 石川, 尚子; 小宮, 圭示; 杉下, 義幸; 佐藤, 冬樹; 池上, 佳志; 笹, 賀一郎; 上田, 宏; 傳法, 隆天塩川流域における環境変化と水棲生物群集の関係 : 森から海への研究を目指してEnvironmental changes affecting the aquatic plants-animal community along the Teshio River basin : towards an analysis of the linkage between forests and the environment of seacoast北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests31-Oct-2004
bulletin (article)中嶋, 潤子; 吉田, 俊也; 上浦, 達哉; 竹田, 哲二; 阿部, 一宏; 高橋, 廣行; 鷹西, 俊和; 柴田, 英昭; 小澤, 恵天然生林復元技術の開発と北方自然景観の創造と開発Development of efficient restoration technique for natural regeneration of forest ecosystems and its application to landscape management北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests28-Nov-2001
bulletin (article)植村, 滋; 柴田, 英昭北海道大学演習林を利用した野外教育の試み : 「野外シンポジウム1999 森をしらべる」A Trial for Learning of Practical Field Research by Using Hokkaido University Forests : Field Symposium for Forest Research in 1999高等教育ジャーナルJournal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning2000
bulletin (article)鷹西, 俊和; 吉田, 俊也; 上浦, 達哉; 阿部, 一宏; 原, 臣史; 柴田, 英昭; 小澤, 恵無立木地における森林再生技術Forest ecological techniques for restoration of un-stocked area in northern Japan北方森林保全技術Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests2-Oct-2000
Showing results 41 to 45 of 45
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