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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
other太田原, 高昭; 冨田, 義昭; 仁平, 恒夫; 黒沢, 不二男; 泉谷, 眞実SUMMARIES OF ARTICLES英文サマリー北海道農業経済研究-1-Mar-1993
other仁平, 恒夫座長解題Chairperson's Address : Common Theme : Entry into the Agricultural Sector and Agricultural Production Legal Person under the Policy Reform of Farmland Systemフロンティア農業経済研究-27-Dec-2010
other仁平, 恒夫小松知未著『組織法人の経営展開-大規模水田の論理-』, 農林統計出版, 2012年8月Tomomi Komatsu, Management Deployment of Group Farming Organizationフロンティア農業経済研究-30-Sep-2016
article仁平, 恒夫北海道における農業構造の変動と担い手 : 1990年センサスを中心として(1991年度秋期大会シンポジウム「北海道農業の担い手問題」)The Changes on the Structure of Agriculture and the Present Situation of Family Farm in Hokkaido : Analysis based on 1990 Agriculture Census Data(REPORTS AND DISCUSSION AT THE 82nd MEETING OF THE SOCIETY IN 1991 : The Problems of Farmers in Hokkaido Agriculture)北海道農業経済研究-1-Mar-1993
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University