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Showing results 1 to 20 of 36
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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleNoto, Daisuke; Tasaka, Yuji; Hitomi, Jumpei; Murai, YuichiApplicability evaluation of the stress-optic law in Newtonian fluids toward stress field measurements-Physical Review Research-21-Oct-2020
article (author version)Park, Hyun Jin; Saito, Daichi; Tasaka, Yuji; Murai, YuichiColor-coded visualization of microbubble clouds interacting with eddies in a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer-Experimental thermal and fluid science-Dec-2019
articleYanagisawa, Takatoshi; Hamano, Yozo; Miyagoshi, Takehiro; Yamagishi, Yasuko; Tasaka, Yuji; Takeda, YasushiConvection patterns in a liquid metal under an imposed horizontal magnetic field-Physical Review E-30-Dec-2013
articleNoto, Daisuke; Terada, Tomomi; Yanagisawa, Takatoshi; Miyagoshi, Takehiro; Tasaka, YujiDeveloping horizontal convection against stable temperature stratification in a rectangular container-Physical Review Fluids-25-Aug-2021
article (author version)Park, Hyun Jin; Yamagishi, Shunta; Osuka, Susumu; Tasaka, Yuji; Murai, YuichiDevelopment of multi-cycle rainbow particle tracking velocimetry improved by particle defocusing technique and an example of its application on twisted Savonius turbine-Experiments in fluids-19-Mar-2021
article (author version)Noto, D.; Tasaka, Y.Dual-plane ensemble correlation for pixelwise 2D-3C velocity field measurements using a single camera-Experiments in fluids-May-2021
article (author version)Iima, M.; Tasaka, Y.Dynamics of flow structures and surface shapes in the surface switching of rotating fluid-Journal of fluid mechanics-Feb-2016
article (author version)Ohie, Kohei; Yoshida, Taiki; Tasaka, Yuji; Murai, YuichiEffective rheology mapping for characterizing polymer solutions utilizing ultrasonic spinning rheometry-Experiments in fluids-Feb-2022
article (author version)Tasaka, Y.; Kimura, T.; Murai, Y.Estimating the effective viscosity of bubble suspensions in oscillatory shear flows by means of ultrasonic spinning rheometry-Experiments in fluids-Jan-2015
article (author version)Takahashi, Jumpei; Tasaka, Yuji; Murai, Yuichi; Takeda, Yasushi; Yanagisawa, TakatoshiExperimental study of cell pattern formation induced by internal heat sources in a horizontal fluid layer-International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer-Mar-2010
article (author version)Ohkubo, Jumpei; Tasaka, Yuji; Park, Hyun Jin; Murai, YuichiExtraction of 3D vortex structures from a turbulent puff in a pipe using two-color illumination and flakes-Journal of visualization-Nov-2016
articleTasaka, Y.; Iima, M.Flow transitions in the surface switching of rotating fluid-Journal of Fluid Mechanics-Oct-2009
article (author version)Noto, D.; Tasaka, Y.; Yanagisawa, T.; Murai, Y.Horizontal diffusive motion of columnar vortices in rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection-Journal of fluid mechanics-25-Jul-2019
articleTasaka, Yuji; Kon, Seiji; Schouveiler, Lionel; Gal, Patrice LeHysteretic mode exchange in the wake of two circular cylinders in tandem-Physics of Fluids-Aug-2006
article (author version)Noto, D.; Tasaka, Y.; Murai, Y.In situ color-to-depth calibration: toward practical three-dimensional color particle tracking velocimetry-Experiments in fluids-Jun-2021
articleYoon, Dongik; Park, Hyun Jin; Tasaka, Yuji; Murai, YuichiLift coefficient of bubble sliding inside turbulent boundary layers in an inclinable channel flow-Physics of fluids-2-May-2022
article (author version)Tasaka, Yuji; Yoshida, Taiki; Rapberger, Richard; Murai, YuichiLinear viscoelastic analysis using frequency-domain algorithm on oscillating circular shear flows for bubble suspensions-Rheologica Acta-Mar-2018
article (author version)Murai, Yuichi; Sakamaki, Haruki; Kumagai, Ichiro; Park, Hyun Jin; Tasaka, YujiMechanism and performance of a hydrofoil bubble generator utilized for bubbly drag reduction ships-Ocean Engineering-15-Nov-2020
articleOhie, Kohei; Chiba, Haruko; Kumagai, Satomi; Yoshida, Taiki; Tasaka, YujiA method for evaluating time-resolved rheological functionalities of fluid foods-Journal of Texture Studies-19-Jul-2022
article (author version)Tasaka, Yuji; Yoshida, Taiki; Murai, YuichiNonintrusive In-Line Rheometry Using Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling-Industrial & engineering chemistry research-4-Aug-2021
Showing results 1 to 20 of 36
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Hokkaido University