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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
conference presentationKIM, Sangwon; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Jin Park, Hyun; Murai, YuichiDirect Numerical Simulation on Millimeter-sized air bubbles in turbulent channel flow---Jul-2023
Software大島, 伸行[Software] 固体境界が埋め込まれた改良ナビエ・ストークス方程式の解法---2023
article (author version)Kim, Sangwon; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Park, Hyun JinNumerical flow visualization of a single large-sized bubble in turbulent Couette flow using OpenFOAM-Journal of visualization-Dec-2022
articleTakahashi, Yusuke; Saito, Masahiro; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Yamada, KazuhikoTrajectory reconstruction for nanosatellite in very low Earth orbit using machine learning-Acta astronautica-May-2022
articleOSHIMA, NobuyukiMathematical study on the thickened interface model by viscosity solution of the level-set equation-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology-20-Jan-2022
software大島, 伸行[Software] 流れの数値解析 : ナビエ・ストークス方程式の解法---2022
articleTakahashi, Yusuke; Ohashi, Tatsushi; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Nagata, Yasunori; Yamada, KazuhikoAerodynamic instability of an inflatable aeroshell in suborbital re-entry-Physics of fluids-1-Jul-2020
article (author version)Takahashi, Yusuke; Enoki, Naoya; Takasawa, Hideto; Oshima, NobuyukiSurface catalysis effects on mitigation of radio frequency blackout in orbital reentry-Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics-3-Jun-2020
articleKim, Sangwon; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Lee, Sangeui; Lee, Gyoungwoo; Seo, KwangcheolHydrodynamic performance and appendage considerations of wave-piercing planing craft overlapping waves and porpoising-Journal of fluid science and technology-31-Mar-2020
article (author version)Takahashi, Yusuke; Matsunaga, Manabu; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Yamada, KazuhikoDrag Behavior of Inflatable Reentry Vehicle in Transonic Regime-Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets-Mar-2019
proceedings (author version)Koike, Taiki; Takahashi, Yusuke; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Yamada, KazuhikoAerodynamic Heating Prediction of Flare-type Membrane Inflatable Reentry Vehicle from Low Earth Orbit---Jan-2018
articleGong, Jiaming; Oshima, NobuyukiEffect of initial densities in the lattice Boltzmann model for non-ideal fluid with curved interface-Physics of fluids-28-Jun-2017
articleOSHIMA, NobuyukiA fluid interface model by phase field approach applied to the diffusive solution of level-set equation-Mechanical Engineering Letters-3-Mar-2017
proceedings (author version)Matsunaga, Manabu; Takahashi, Yusuke; Oshima, Nobuyuki; Yamada, KazuhikoAerodynamic Heating Prediction of an Inflatable Reentry Vehicle in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel---Jan-2017
articleOSHIMA, NobuyukiAn extensional formulation for a diffusive solution of the level-set equation by considering a relation to the scalar conservation equation-Mechanical Engineering Letters-21-Apr-2016
articleLIU, Yingjie; OSHIMA, NobuyukiValidation of a new level set approach in the counter flow premixed flame-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology-16-Apr-2014
articleLIU, Yingjie; OSHIMA, NobuyukiA Level Set Approach for a Premixed Flame Based on a New Concept of Flame Speed-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology-31-May-2011
article (author version)武藤, 昌也; 坪倉, 誠; 大島, 伸行回転球に作用する負のマグヌス力の数値解析Numerical Simulation of Negative Magnus Force on a Rotating Sphere日本機械学會論文集. B編-2011
article (author version)武藤, 昌也; 坪倉, 誠; 大島, まり; 大島, 伸行周囲に周期変動が与えられた球に負荷する流体力Fluid Force on a Sphere Exposed to Periodic Fluctuation日本機械学會論文集. B編-25-Apr-2010
articleTaniguchi, Nobuyuki; Arakawa, Chuichi; Kobayashi, ToshioConstruction of a Flow-Simulating Method with Finite Volume Based on a Voronoi Diagram-JSME international journal. Ser. 2, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical properties-15-Feb-1991
Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
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Hokkaido University