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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Zhang, Chengming; Zhang, Chaoqun; Azuma, Takayuki; Maruyama, Hayato; Shinano, Takuro; Watanabe, ToshihiroDifferent nitrogen acquirement and utilization strategies might determine the ecological competition between ferns and angiosperms-Annals of botany-20-Jan-2023
article (author version)Syaifudin, Muhamad; Suzuki, Masataka; Maruyama, Hayato; Kubo, Katashi; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Shinano, TakuroPotassium applications reduced cesium uptake and altered strontium translocation in soybean plants-Soil science and plant nutrition-14-Jan-2023
article (author version)Shinano, Takuro; Asaeda, Satoshi; Yashiro, Saeko; Saito, Takashi; Maruyama, Hayato; Nemoto, Tomoaki; Hachinohe, MayumiRadioactive Cs transfer to vegetables after the FDNPP accident-Soil science and plant nutrition-2-Dec-2022
article (author version)Watanabe, Toshihiro; Okada, Ryoskuke; Tokunaga, Soyoka; Maruyama, Hayato; Urayama, Masaru; Shinano, TakuroNitrogen deficiency-induced molybdenum accumulation in wheat-Journal of Plant Nutrition-7-Jan-2022
articleZhang, Chengming; Tanaka, Nobuhiro; Dwiyanti, Maria Stefanie; Shenton, Matthew; Maruyama, Hayato; Shinano, Takuro; Chu, Qingnan; Xie, Jun; Watanabe, ToshihiroIonomic Profiling of Rice Genotypes and Identification of Varieties with Elemental Covariation Effects-Rice Science-Jan-2022
bulletin (article)KITAOKA, Satoshi; FUJITA, Saki; WATANABE, Yoko; CHOI, DongSu; WATANABE, Toshihiro; SHINANO, Takuro; SATOH, Fuyuki; KOIKE, TakayoshiGrowth and nitrogen use characteristics of black locust, an invasive alien species, grown under different light and CO2 conditions-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-2022
bulletin (article)SHINANO, Takuro; MARUYAMA, Hayato; WATANABE, Toshihiro; FUJIMOTO, Hisae; SUZUKI, MasatakaThe role of potassium on the remediation for the radiocesium contaminated soil-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-2022
article (author version)Takao, Atsuhide; Wasaki, Jun; Fujimoto, Hisae; Maruyama, Hayato; Shinano, Takuro; Watanabe, ToshihiroPossible solubilization of various mineral elements in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus L-Soil science and plant nutrition-7-Oct-2021
article (author version)Watanabe, Toshihiro; Tomizaki, Ryota; Watanabe, Ryotaro; Maruyama, Hayato; Shinano, Takuro; Urayama, Masaru; Kanayama, YoshinoriIonomic differences between tomato introgression line IL8-3 and its parent cultivar M82 with different trends to the incidence of blossom-end rot-Scientia horticulturae-20-Sep-2021
article (author version)Matsunami, Hisaya; Uchida, Tomoko; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Ota, Takeshi; Shinano, TakuroComparative dynamics of potassium and radiocesium in soybean with different potassium application levels-Journal of environmental radioactivity-Jul-2021
article (author version)Hachinohe, Mayumi; Shinano, TakuroLarge-scale sampling and radioactivity analysis of agricultural soil and food during nuclear emergencies in Japan : Variations over time in foodstuffs inspection and sampling-Journal of environmental radioactivity-Jul-2020
articleKubo, Katashi; Kobayashi, Hiroyuki; Nitta, Miyuki; Takenaka, Shotaro; Nasuda, Shuhei; Fujimura, Shigeto; Takagi, Kyoko; Nagata, Osamu; Ota, Takeshi; Shinano, TakuroVariations in radioactive cesium accumulation in wheat germplasm from fields affected by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident-Scientific Reports-28-Feb-2020
article (author version)Ogasawara, Sho; Nakao, Atsushi; Eguchi, Tetsuya; Ota, Takeshi; Matsunami, Hisaya; Yanai, Junta; Shinano, TakuroThe extractability of potassium and radiocaesium in soils developed from granite and sedimentary rock in Fukushima, Japan-Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry-Jan-2020
bulletin (article)信濃, 卓郎農業再建への研究者としての取り組みEffort for Reconstruction of Agriculture as a Researcher科学技術コミュニケーションJapanese Journal of Science CommunicationJul-2015
bulletin (article)早岡, 英介; 久保田, 直; 信濃, 卓郎; 本田, 紀生パネルディスカッション : 福島の再生と科学技術コミュニケーションThe Panel Discussion : How Science Communicators Can Contribute to Regeneration of Fukushima科学技術コミュニケーションJapanese Journal of Science CommunicationJul-2015
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


Hokkaido University