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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Watanabe, Yoko; Moriya, Toyohito; Takakura, Jun; Satoh, Fuyuki; Koike, TakayoshiDevelopment of teaching materials for international course students on the ancient forest culture of the Hokkaido University Campus-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Dec-2017
bookchapterTakakura, JunHuman Population Dynamics and the Emergence of Microblade Technology in Northeast Asia during the Upper Palaeolithic: A Current View-The Prehistory of Human Migration - Human Expansion, Resource Use, and Mortuary Practice in Maritime Asia [Working Title]-2024
article (author version)Takakura, JunLithic refitting and its implication for the integrity and duration of site occupation: The case of the Late Upper Paleolithic site of Kiusu-5 in Hokkaido, Northern Japan-Quaternary International-30-Apr-2018
articleJun, TAKAKURANew evidence of endscraper reduction in Upper Paleolithic Japan-Current Research in the Pleistocene-2007
articleYamaoka, Takuya; Ikeya, Nobuyuki; Miyoshi, Motoki; Takakura, JunNew Perspectives on the Behavioral Patterns of Early Modern Humans from the Japanese IslandsNeue Perspektiven auf die Verhaltensmuster früher moderner Menschen von den japanischen InselnMitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte-7-Sep-2023
articleTAKAKURA, JunRefitted material and consideration of lithic reduction sequence among the microblade assemblages: a view from the Okushirataki-1 site, Hokkaido, Northern Japan-Asian Perspectives-2011
articleTakakura, junRethinking the disappearance of microblade technology in the terminal Pleistocene of Hokkiaido, Northern Japan: lokking at archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence-Quaternary-20-Jul-2020
articleYoshihiro, Nishiaki; Kohei, Tamura; Miho, Suzuki; Mitsuhiro, Nakamura; Shinji, Kato; Kazuya, Nakagawa; Jun, Takakura; Takuya, Yamaoka; Atsushi, Noguchi; Yasuhisa, Kondo; Yutaka, KobayashiSpatiotemporal variability in lithic technology of Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Asia: A new dataset and its statistical analyses-Quaternary International-20-Sep-2021
articleTakakura, JunTowards improved identification of obsidian microblade and microblade-like debitage knapping techniques : A case study from the Last Glacial Maximum assemblage of Kawanishi-C in Hokkaido, Northern Japan-Quaternary international-20-Sep-2021
bulletin (article)髙倉, 純長野県岡谷市中島B遺跡出土尖頭器における剥離方法の同定Identification of bifacial point knapping techniques at the Nakajima-B site, Central Japan北海道大学考古学研究室研究紀要Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University6-Dec-2021
bulletin (article)髙倉, 純北海道における幅広有茎尖頭器石器群の位置づけOn the lithic assemblages with wide-stemmed projectile points in Hokkaido, Japan北海道大学考古学研究室研究紀要Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University6-Dec-2022
bulletin (article)髙倉, 純北海道東部の続縄文時代石器群Lithic assemblages of the Epi-Jomon in Eastern Hokkaido北方人文研究Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities31-Mar-2009
bulletin (other)小杉, 康//編; 髙倉, 純//編; 守屋, 豊人//編北大構内の遺跡 XXIXHokkaido University Campus Sites XXIX--31-Mar-2023
bulletin (other)小杉, 康//編; 髙倉, 純//編; 守屋, 豊人//編北大構内の遺跡 XXVIIHokkaido University campus sites XXVII--31-Mar-2021
bulletin (other)小杉, 康//編; 髙倉, 純//編; 守屋, 豊人//編北大構内の遺跡 XXVIIIHokkaido University campus sites XXVIII--31-Mar-2022
bulletin (other)髙倉, 純//編; 守屋, 豊//編北大構内の遺跡 30Hokkaido University Campus Site 30th--31-Mar-2024
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16


Hokkaido University