Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | モによる条件節形成と譲歩 | How “mo” works : Concessive structure of the complex sentence in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究院紀要 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University | 7-Jul-2023 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 言語データの継承と保存に関する課題について | Ethics Concering Preservation and Succession of Linguistic Data | 北海道大学文学研究院紀要 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University | 18-Dec-2020 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 北奥方言における行為要求表現 | On grammatical expressions for illocutionary acts in Northern Tohoku Dialect | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University | 28-Feb-2017 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 構文推意の語用論的分析 : 可能構文を中心に | A pragmatic analysis of constructional implicatures in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University | 24-Jul-2015 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 北奥方言のモダリティ辞 | Modality Particles of Hachinohe dialect in Northern Tohoku of Japan | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 25-Feb-2010 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 日本語形容詞再考 | Reconsidering Adjective Classes in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 27-Nov-2009 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 動的文脈論再考 | Rethinking Dynamic Context | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 10-Jul-2009 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | タ形の長期記憶参照標識機能 | On the LTM Reference Marking Function of ta-form in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 25-Feb-2009 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | ハブ文法による言語研究と教育の連携 | Cooperation between Linguistics and Language Instruction Through Hub-grammar | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 28-Nov-2008 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 日本語の述部構造と境界性 | Predicate Complex Structure and Morphological Boundaries in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 10-Jul-2007 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 二重ヲ格制約論 | A Re-examination of the Double-wo Constraint in Japanese | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 20-Jul-2006 |
bulletin (article) | 加藤, 重広 | 対象格と場所格の連続性 : 格助詞試論 (2) | On the properties of the Japanese accusative/locative case marker | 北海道大学文学研究科紀要 | The Annual Report on Cultural Science | 28-Feb-2006 |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12