Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | 三浦, 誠司; 小池, 基行; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫 | 10 at%Tiの添加によって単結晶化したNi3Siの変形挙動 | Deformation Behavior in Ni3Si Single-Crystalized by Addition of 10 at%Ti | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Nov-1992 |
column | 三浦, 誠司; 吉見, 享祐 | 21世紀の社会基盤整備に向けた材料開発 | Materials Development for Social Infrastructure Improvement in the 21st Century | まてりあ | Materia Japan | 1-Mar-2007 |
article | 三浦, 誠司; 小池, 基行; 王, 昆; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫 | 76 at%Niを含むNi3Ge単結晶の変形挙動 | Deformation Behaviour in Ni3Ge Single Crystals Containing 76 at%Ni | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Oct-1992 |
article | 岸田, 恭輔; 三浦, 誠司 | Advanced Structural and Functional Intermetallic-Based Alloys シンポジウム報告 | - | まてりあ | Materia Japan | Apr-2015 |
article | Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Nakamitsu, Tsuyoshi; Kinoshita, Hiroshi; Miura, Seiji | Binding Energy of Carbon Implanted into Hematite and in situ Observation of Reaction Behavior during Heating Up Experiment | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Aug-2011 |
article | Hashimoto, Takuya; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Miura, Seiji | Effect of Grain Boundary Characters on Precipitation Behavior and Local Deformation Behavior in Al-Mg-Si Alloy | - | Journal of the Japan institute of metals and materials | - | 10-Feb-2021 |
article | Peng, Li; Takizawa, Satoshi; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Horiuchi, Toshiaki; Miura, Seiji | Effect of Si on the stability of NbCr2 Laves phase in Cr-Mo-Nb system | - | Intermetallics | - | Jul-2019 |
article | Yamanaka, Syuki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Miura, Seiji | The effect of titanium and silicon addition on phase equilibrium and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi-based high entropy alloy | - | Journal of Materials Research | - | May-2021 |
article | Nino, Rikiya; Miura, Seiji; Mohri, Tetsuo | Formation of Microstructures in the Molybdenum-Aluminum-Titanium Ternary System through Eutectoid Decomposition | - | Materials Transactions, JIM | - | Sep-1999 |
article | Peng, Zhi-Lun; Miura, Seiji; Mishima, Yoshinao | High-Temperature Creep Behavior in Ni3(Al, Ta) Single Crystals with Different Orientations | - | Materials Transactions, JIM | - | Jul-1997 |
article | 峯田, 才寛; 三浦, 誠司; 岡, 和彦; 宮島, 達也 | In-Situ BrinellインデンテーションによるMg-Y単結晶の塑性変形挙動観察 | Observation of Plastic Deformation Behavior of Mg-Y Alloy Single-Crystals by Using In-Situ Brinell Indentation | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Apr-2017 |
article | 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫 | IVB亜族元素Siを添加したNi3Al単結晶の変形挙動 | Deformation Behaviour in Ni3Al Single Crystals Containing IVB-Subgroup Element Si | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Oct-1992 |
article | 正岡, 和貴; 山田, 忠幸; 堀内, 寿晃; 糸井, 貴臣; 三浦, 誠司 | Mg-Al-Zn-Gd 4元系合金鋳造まま材におけるLPSO相の生成挙動 | Formation of LPSO Phases in As-Cast Mg-Al-Zn-Gd Quaternary Alloys | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials | 1-Aug-2019 |
article | Minamoto, Satoshi; Nomoto, Sukeharu; Hamaya, Atsushi; Horiuchi, Toshiaki; Miura, Seiji | Microstructure Simulation for Solidification of Magnesium–Zinc–Yttrium Alloy by Multi-phase-field Method Coupled with CALPHAD Database | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Dec-2010 |
article | 福井, 俊彦; 上野, 俊吉; 田中, 良平; 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直 | MoSi2-Mo5Si3共晶材の組織および硬さに及ぼすNb, Vの影響 | Effect of Niobium or Vanadium Addition on the Microstructure and Hardness of MoSi2-Mo5Si3 Eutectic Alloys | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-May-1999 |
article | 関戸, 信彰; 木村, 好里; 韋, 富高; 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直 | (Nb)/(Nb, Ti)5Si3二相合金の機械的性質に及ぼすラメラー間隔の影響 | Effect of Lamellar Spacing on the Mechanical Properties of (Nb)/(Nb, Ti)5Si3 Two-Phase Alloys | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Nov-2000 |
article | 三浦, 誠司 | Nbを中心とした耐火金属高濃度固溶体基耐熱合金の開発と今後の展望 | - | まてりあ | Materia | 1-Jul-2019 |
article | 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直 | Ni-Al系金属間化合物の反応焼結過程の検討 | Estimation of Amount of Liquid Phase During Reaction Synthesis in the Ni-Al System | まてりあ | Materia Japan | 20-Jun-1996 |
article | 落合, 鍾一; 三浦, 誠司; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫 | Ni3(Al, Ti) 単結晶における高温降伏現象 | High Temperature Yielding of Ni3(Al, Ti) Single Crystals | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Jul-1987 |
article | 三浦, 誠司; 落合, 鍾一; 大矢, 義博; 三島, 良直; 鈴木, 朝夫 | Ni3(Al, Ti) 単結晶の流動応力におよぼす歪速度の影響 | The Effect of Strain Rate on the Flow Stress of Ni3(Al, Ti) Single Crystals | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-May-1987 |