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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)西村, 尚之; 赤路, 康朗; 鈴木, 智之; 長谷川, 成明; 小野, 清美; 隅田, 明洋; 原, 登志彦; 飯田, 滋生; 関, 剛; 倉本, 惠生; 杉田, 久志; 中川, 弥智子; 松下, 通也; 廣部, 宗; 星野, 大介; 稲永, 路子; 山本, 進一北方針葉樹林におけるトウヒ属Piceaとモミ属Abiesの稚樹の動態に及ぼす林床環境の影響Effect of the site conditions on sapling dynamics of Picea and Abies species in a sub-boreal forest低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)山口, 貴広; 隅田, 明洋; 中井, 太郎; 山田, 雅仁; 兒玉, 裕二; 小野, 清美; 原, 登志彦北海道の亜高山帯ダケカンバ林の下層チシマザサ (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata)の 総生産および蒸散の季節変化に及ぼす環境要因Environmental factors affecting the gross production and transpiration of an understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata) in a stand of Erman’s birch ( Cham.) in the boreal montane zone of Hokkaido低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)津田, 元; 小野, 清美; 隅田, 明洋; 原, 登志彦ミズナラ実生の初期成長における生育条件の影響と葉の生理的応答Initial growth and responses of leaves during leaf expansion of Quercus crispula seedlings under different light intensities and temperatures低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)石塚, 航; 小野, 清美; 原, 登志彦; 後藤, 晋北方針葉樹トドマツの低温への適応 : 耐凍性獲得のタイミングと遺伝的変異Adaptation to cold temperature of sub-boreal conifer, Abies sachalinensis : the timing of cold hardening and its intraspecific variation低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2015
articleSumida, Akihiro; Nakai, Taro; Yamada, Masahito; Ono, Kiyomi; Uemura, Shigeru; Hara, ToshihikoGround-Based Estimation of Leaf Area Index and Vertical Distribution of Leaf Area Density in a Betula ermanii Forest-Silva Fennica-2009
article (author version)Kubo, Takuya; Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi; Kato, Kyoko; Nishimura, Seiichi; Uemura, Shigeru; Ono, Kiyomi; Sumida, Akihiro; Hara, ToshihikoEstimating the three-dimensional structure of canopy foliage based on the light measurements in a Betula ermanii stand-Agricultural and Forest Meteorology-4-Jul-2008
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University